How long do the games last and how many people can play?

The games last roughly 15 - 45 minutes depending on the number of players. COOKED can be played by 2 - 6 people.

When and where can we buy Cooked?

We plan on self-publishing COOKED and will be launching on KICKSTARTER towards the end of the year.

Be sure to join our community and follow our socials to be kept in the loop.

What still needs to happen?

We need to grow our community and work on the KICKSTARTER campaign. If you have any suggestions or recommendations reach out to us and if you wanted to be kept up to date with our progress follow our socials.

When will the giveaway Winner be anounced?

Our giveaway winner was announced on the 31/07/24. The winner was randomly selected and has received their prize!

Can you “Not Today” a “Not Today“?

Yes, you can! “Not Today“ cards can be stacked and they can also be used in your everyday life…. your boss asks you to do some extra work…. hit them with the “Not Today“…